Alexis Rhae Alexis Rhae Christian Author
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My name is Alexis Rhae.  As a small child, I struggled with a personal inability to read quickly. I was the recipient of many reprimands in elementary school reading classes and poor marks on reading sections of timed tests. Because of this books became a task I dreaded. Then around age ten, I discovered something wonderful. If I read books outside of school, away from the burdens of assigned reading times and tests, I could experience books without worry. I could read and enjoy the stories and history laid out by the authors without the pressure of knowing I had to finish in hours or even minutes. My perception of the written word changed drastically. I was no longer terrified by small type and large page count. Eagerly I drank in book after book, savoring the details and relishing every word as I read at my own pace. As I discovered favorite stories to read and reread, I found myself creating new stories in my head. The characters became like friends, and I jumped at the chance for quiet moments on long car rides or as I lay in bed when I could join them in their fictional worlds, creating playgrounds of my own imagination. It did not take long for me to bridge the gap from imagining my own stories to writing them down. I began writing short stories using characters and themes from my favorite books and television shows. I so enjoyed the freedom I felt in creativity. Pretty soon after I discovered writing, I was faced with the need to become a serious Christian. I had always considered myself a Christian. I had attended church, often regularly, throughout my childhood. To my mind, living in the Bible Belt of the South, I thought most everyone was a Christian, so of course I was too. Then I was baptized at age thirteen. With a contrite heart and a sincere soul, I made the decision to be baptized at nine o'clock on a Sunday night. I wanted to make a profession of my belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and be washed in His blood to cleanse me from my sin. After about a week of smiling big and bright in the joy of the Lord, my fervor began to cool. I thought "now I'm really a Christian" and returned to my books. It soon became apparent that there was more to being a sincere Christian than simply confessing Jesus and the act of baptism. In one of those stark childhood moments of shame and woo, I suddenly realized in my meager understanding that there was one Book that was far more important than all the others; the Bible. Due to so much time spent reading what I wanted to, I was neglecting to read what I needed to. From then on for many years, reading my Bible became a daily habit to fill that need. While I began to absorb the Word in a new way, I also began to see other books differently. Reading can affect the mind and heart in a subconscious way, and after experiencing the seriousness of the teachings of God and His Wisdom in the Bible, I began to be much more selective in my reading choices. As time passed, the offerings of the children's books, and even the

It is my prayer that readers will be inspired to seek to draw closer to God

It is my prayer that readers will be inspired to seek to draw closer to God

I am a Christian Fiction author from north Alabama. I began writing when I was a young girl and I have been doing it ever since.
Young Adult Fiction, no longer satisfied my desire for fascinating tales. I ventured into the Fiction section of the local library. I called them the "adult" books, because these were clearly not children's books. There were no pictures and many, MANY more pages. In a thrill of anticipation I began to read, only to be disappointed by certain words and plot lines that were not appropriate material. In dissatisfaction I returned to the Young Adult Fiction, thoroughly disappointed. Then I stumbled across something new in my school library; Christian Fiction! (Remember, it's the Bible Belt.) My fellow Christians were writing stories that I could read without fear of being scandalized. One attribute that struck me in particular about Christian writing was the presence of lessons based on Biblical principles. These books appeared to have another purpose beyond entertainment. Through reading such Christian novels, I began to think of my own purpose. As a Christian I knew that I declared myself to be a servant of God, but aside from attending church and studying His word, I had little idea as to how I would serve Him. Discovering a Christian community reaching out to people through books gave me the courage to hope that perhaps I could serve God by the way in which I did the thing I love: writing. Throughout the years the ways in which I have endeavored to serve God through writing have been ever-changing. Each of my books have been a step in my path to who I am as a writer today. Now, after many years of work, my most recent novel is available. The Wonderful Professor Wolgath is a tale of one man’s journey across an ocean and the friends and family that help him all along the way. It is a story of hope in spite of frightening predicaments and love that surpasses Professor Wolgath’s humble imaginings. This book has been a big step! As it is becoming available, it strikes me that this book is very different from my first two. My writing is continuing to develop as I grow, and I pray that I never stop growing in the Lord. My ideas are small, but my hope that people will consider God's truth as they live their daily lives is fervent. It is my prayer that readers will be inspired to seek to draw closer to God, even when it means forsaking our own comfort and foregoing our own desires for ourselves. God's truth is the only path that leads to righteousness.